Hubungan Kinerja Karyawan Tata Usaha dengan Kepuasan Dosen di Politeknik Kesehatan Palu

Working Paper Series No. 9 April 2008, First Draft
Magister Kebijakan dan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan

Dwi Handono
Amin Subargus


Background: Job satisfaction is the main factor of organizational  citizenship behavior. A satisfied lecturer seem to be  more able to speak positively about there organization, helping other and exceeding normal expectations of their job. In performing their daily task the administrative office  employees  of the Health Polytechnic Palu have low working enthusiasm. It can be noticed from several unfinished work at the time required. Yet its office’s facility, working support equipments, working atmosphere are all quite condusive.
Purpose: The purpose is to learn the correlation of between employee’s performance of administrative office toward lecturer satisfaction at Health Polytechnic Palu.
Methods: This research was using a quantitative method with a cross sectional research design. Data collected by questionairs and were analyzed with Pearson Product Moment.
Result: Result of product moment correlation analysis between the administrative office employee’s variable with lecturer’s satisfaction are also have significant with correlation r value 0,0809 and p=0,000. Administrative office employee’s variable factors and Lecturer’s satisfaction are also have significants correlation r values. The correlation values from each employee’s performance factors are the results from the working itself and the working sincerity r=0,606 (p=0,000), working quality and quantity r=0,556 (p=0,000), working planning r=0,549 (p=0,000), working behavior r=0,340 (p=0,008), working speed r=0,600 (p=0,000) and working knowledge r=0,670 (0,000).
Conclusion: There is positive significant correlation between the administrative office employee’s performance with the lecturer’s satisfaction at Health Polytechnic Palu. The is also a positive significant correlation between employee’s performance factors at the administrative office, which include: working result and sincererity, working quality and quantity, working planning, working behavior, working speed and working knowledge of the administrative office with Lecturer’s satisfaction at the Health Polytechnic Palu.
Keywords: Performance, Satisfaction, Administrative Office Employee, Lecturer


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