Konflik Peran, Ketidakjelasan Peran, Kelebihan Beban Kerja, dan Kinerja Pegawai Akademi Kebidanan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kudus

 Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, Excessive Workload, and Employee Performance of AKBID of Kudus Government

Working Paper Series No.8 Januari 2006, First Draft
Magister Kebijakan dan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan

Heni Febriana
Rossi Sanusi

Background: Multiple appointments assumed by employees the Midwifery Academy of Kudus result in role conflict and role uncertainty. Approximinately 22% of the employees who are civil servants status are employees the Kudus District Health Office, General Hospital and Administration. Indonesia times of increased workload (e.g., during student admission, graduation, field work, semester orang final examination) employees are required to function in ad hoc committers based on their stuctural positions. The teaching load of more than hours per week is also a cause of excessive workload for lecturers, while working hours of 6-9 hours a day, six days a week influence employee performance.
Method: Role conflict, role ambiguity and excessive workload data were collected   cross sectionally from all 46 employeers by means of questionaire adapted from Peterson et.al. (1995), while performance data were collected from their respective employeers by means of a questionaire adapted from Fried et.al. (1998). Pearson correlation coeffisients were computed to determine the practical significance of the correlations.
Result: The results indicate that there is a weak between role conflict (r= –0.404), role ambiguity (r= –0.335), and excessive workload (r= –0.554) and employee performance.
Keywords: role conflict, role ambiguity, excessive workload, performance


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