The Role of Non-Material Factors in Increasing Labor Productivity

bilig Autumn / 2004 Number 31: 37-50
Ahmet Yesevi University Board of Trustees

Sharzada Akhmetova
Ardak Sakhanova


The main idea of article «The Role of Non-Material Factors in Increasing Labor Productivity » is that social –psychological climate in collective is the major factor of economic - social progress in the country. In Kazakhstani market conditions the understanding of the person as productive force has amplified and his personal features are ignored. However in conditions of teamwork moral qualities of each member of labor collective become a component of productive force of all collective. In this research paper the social - psychological climate, its development and influence on productivity are key objects of economic measurement. Research has been carried out in copper-smelting factory in the city of Dzhezkazgan. The main purpose of the research was to study a social - psychological climate of a primary work collective (factors of a psychological climate, general job satisfaction, mutuality, neutrality, potential conflict, concurrence of the formal and informal leader in collective, intensity of potential fluidity, interpersonal compatibility, an evaluation of the master) and its influence on labor productivity. The greatest possible value of productivity has been designed at an ideal social  - psychological climate on the basis of economic-mathematical model. It has been identified that on average it is possible to increase productivity up to 30 % due to the moral factors, not attracting additional investments. It is proved that economic relations should be bound with social – psychological ones, forming a single whole. 
Key Words: Basic or main production collective, collectivism, foreman evaluation factor, intermediate or secondary collective, labor collective, primary labor collective, primary production collective, reciprocity factor


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2 comments to “The Role of Non-Material Factors in Increasing Labor Productivity”
Unknown said...

Tidak bisa di download 😂

Unknown said...

terimakasih informasinya sangat membantu,saya ingin sahre link untuk kumpulan jurnal lainnya yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi lainnya bisa langsung kunjungi sistus ini

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